• Português
  • 5th August 2021

    Dr Jaqueline Goes de Jesus who led coronavirus sequencing team honoured with doll

    On 28 Feb 2020 our team led by Dr Jaqueline Góes de Jesus sequenced the first SARS-CoV-2 genomes from Latin America. Scientists in the Global South are working tirelessly to increase sequencing capacity and response to SARS-CoV-2.

    Mattel the toy manufacturer chose Brazilian biomedical scientist Jaqueline Góes de Jesus to be honored with the Barbie doll, for her work in research into the new coronavirus and leading the fight against COVID-19 as part of their ‘Thank you Heroes’ program.

    The honour was also given to five other scientists for their contributions in response to SARS-CoV-2.

    Read more as featured in an article by BBC Brasil

    Photo- Mattel 2021